We are a well known provider of Barley Malt Powder, malt extract liquid, Liquid MAlt Extract and Biscuit Confectionery Grade Malt Extract. Also there are various types and categories of malt extracts that are provided by Mahalaxmimaltextract. In today’s blog we will learn about the American Malts that can take your brewing to another level.
Pale Malt (2 Row) 2°L
Pale malt is the base malt for brewing all grain beers. This malt is high in diastatic power and is well modified and fairly neutral which makes it an excellent base malt.
Wheat Malt (Malted Wheat) 2.3°L
This malt is usually used to make wheat and weizen beers. Wheat malt has been used for brewing beer nearly as long as barley malt and has equal diastatic power. It is generally used in smaller quantity than barley and contributes more protein to the beer, aiding in head retention
Rye Malt 4°L
This type of malt lends a dry, spicy flavor, with a pale straw color and is used sparingly to add distinction to any style. Normally, up to 20% rye malt is used in a mash when making rye beer.
Caramel Malts
Caramel Malts undergo a special heat process called "stewing" after the malting which crystallizes the sugars. These sugars are caramelized into longer chains that are not converted into simple sugars by the enzymes during the mash which results in a more malty, caramel sweet, fuller tasting beer. These malts are used for almost all ale and comparatively higher gravity lager styles. Different amounts of malts are used in making beer.
Caramel 10 L -The additional light honey-like sweetness and some body to the finished beer is added by caramel 10L.
Caramel 40 L -This malt adds color and light caramel sweetness of this malt is perfect for pale ales and amber lagers.
Caramel 60 L -The most commonly used caramel malt is caramel 60 L which is also known as medium crystal. It is well suited for pale ales, English style bitters, porters and stouts and adds a full caramel taste and body to the beer.
Caramel 80 L This malt is used for making reddish colored beers and gives a lightly bittersweet caramel flavor.
Caramel 120 L This malt adds a lot of color and bittersweet caramel flavor. Useful in small amounts to add complexity or in greater amounts for old ales, barleywines and doppelbocks.
Chocolate Malt (roasted black malt) 350°L
Along with various essentials ingredients used in making beer, chocolate also holds a significant place. Chocolate malt adds a dark color and pleasant roast flavor. Even the small quantities can lend a nutty flavor and deep, ruby red color. When higher amounts are used, it lends a black color and smooth, rich, roasted coffee or cocoa-like flavor.
Munich Malt (Domestic) 10°L
American munich malt is a little darker than German Munich malt and is used to add a very robust, malty flavor.
For more information about:malt extract liquid Please visit at http://www.mahalaxmimaltextract.com/