Tuesday, 23 May 2023


 People are  usually aware about malt or malt extract and its health benefits but are still curious about malted milk food. Many-a-times, we get questions like What is malted milk food? Is it Healthy? Is there any difference between Malted milk food and Malt Powder? Today, Mahalaxmi Malt Extract - one of the best Malted Milk Food Manufacturer/Malted Milk Food Manufacturing will help you with the answers to these questions.

What is Malted Milk Food?

Malted milk food is the type of food powder that contains milk solids, grain flour usually barley and malt extract. It is available in flavours like cocoa and vanilla. This product is continuously gaining popularity because of its convenience, digestibility, palatability and nutritious value. Mahalaxmi Malt Extract is trying to keep pace with the changing needs and demands of people and is continuously improving its products. 

Manufacturing Process Of Malted Milk 

1- Production of Mash Liquor

2- Mix Preparation

3- Evaporation and Drying

4- Spray Drying of Malted Milk

What are the Health Benefits of Malted Milk?

1- Strong Bones - Malted milk is a vitamin-D rich product which helps in building stronger bones. 

2-Energy Booster - It contains Vitamin C, riboflavin, iron and niacin which is a direct energy booster.

3- Healthy Skin Benefits - Vitamin B-2 present in malted milk helps with a brighter skin and improves eye health.

4- Improves Blood Health - Iron availability is helpful in improving blood health.

5- Helps People with Insomnia - People with insomnia have felt better after consuming malted milk.

Is there any difference between Malt Powder and Malted Milk powder?

The quick answer to this question is Yes! They are different from each other. 

Malt powder is basically the powdered form of Malt made from cereal grains such as Barley. It comes in majorly two types : Diastatic malt extract and non- Diastatic malt extract. It also comes in liquid form known as Malt Syrup or Liquid Malt Extract.

On the other hand, malted milk powder is the powder that has milk solids added to it.

Even though both of these products go through similar processes, the major ingredient that makes them different from each other is Milk.

Mahalaxmi Malt Extract  is the renowned Malted Milk Food Manufacturer who provides the top notch quality services for Malt Extract, Malted Milk Food Manufacturing and  Malt Extract contract manufacturing. If you are looking for malt products contract manufacturing services - Be sure to contact Mahalaxmi Malt Extract.

For more information about: Malted Milk Food Manufacturing Please visit at https://www.mahalaxmimaltextract.com/

Monday, 22 May 2023


 Calcium is one of the most important minerals that is considered essential for the body. Calcium is found in many foods and is related to healthy teeth and strong bones. Calcium is also considered beneficial for blood clotting, helping normalise heart rhythm and nerve functioning. Human body needs intake of calcium for the nerves to carry messages in between parts of the body and brain and movement of muscles.

The production of calcium doesn’t take place on its own, which is why you need to consume it to fulfil the daily intake requirement. According to National Institutes of Health, the average intake requirement of calcium for human body is 

Birth to six months - 200 mg

Infants 7-12 months - 260 mg

Children 1-3 years - 700 mg

Children 4-8 years - 1000 mg

Children 9-13 years - 1300 mg

Teens 14-18 years  - 1300 mg

Adults 19-50 years  - 1000 mg

Adult men 51-70 years - 1000 mg

Adult women 51-70 years - 1200 mg

Adults 71 years and older - 1200 mg

Pregnant and breastfeeding teens - 1300 mg

Pregnant and breastfeeding adults - 1000 mg

For the proper functioning of the body, this much intake is essential according to the age and gender of the individual. One can get enough calcium via Broccoli, Tofu, Dairy products such as milk, Malt Extract, Liquid MAlt Extract, Barley Malt, Barley Malt Powder, malt extract liquid in India etc. 

Benefits of consuming Calcium:

Development and Support of Bone Health:

The foremost benefit of taking calcium is that it helps in development of bones and maintenance of bone mass from childhood to adulthood. 

Strengthens Teeth:

For the betterment and proper maintenance of teeth , calcium is very essential. Calcium is that part of the tooth enamel that helps you protect your teeth from cavities and maintains oral health.

Reduces PMS:

Lower intake of calcium increases the premenstrual syndrome which causes discomfort, bloating, fatigue, mood swings etc. Proper intake of calcium reduces PMS.

Reduces Indigestion:

Since calcium is one of the important minerals required for the body. The continuous deficiency of calcium can cause indigestion.

Effects of Calcium Deficiency:

Long deficiency of calcium can cause severe conditions such as :

Rickets: Make children ‘s bones weak 

Osteomalacia: Make bones weak and soft in both adults and children

Osteoporosis: Makes bone fragile and increases the risk of falling.

Hence, it is important to consume the daily required intake of calcium. Mahalaxmi Malt Extract’s Malt contains calcium that is beneficial for the body. 

For more information about: Malt Extract Please visit at https://www.mahalaxmimaltextract.com/

Wednesday, 17 May 2023


 What is Malt Extract?

If you have been with us since long, then Malt Extract is definitely not a new term for you.

During the process of mashing, the soluble material which is extracted from malt is known as malt extract. In other words, it is the sugar extracted from malted grain, usually barley. Malt extract is widely available in two basic forms, i.e. LME (Liquid Malt Extract) and DME (Dry Malt Extract). The final product in the former case is the syrup which usually has 20% of water and 80% of other unfermented solid and composed sugar. The latter is the dried powder which goes through the process of spray drying - for the removal of all the water.

Based on the colour, there are different varieties of malt extract such as Dark, Amber, Light/ Gold/Pale, Pilsen/Extra light. These extracts are used in a variety of products such as Brewing, Bakery Grade Malt Extract, Flakes Grade Malt Extract Confectionery, Pharma, etc.

What is Malted Milk Food?

Malted milk food is the product that is obtained by mixing whole milk or partly skimmed milk with the wort which is separated from mash, usually barley. Malted milk food is available with cocoa or without cocoa both. In the Indian market, until recently, malted milk foods and malt based foods were probably the only barley based products. India has one of the biggest markets of malt milk food and malt based food in the world. 

What is Contract Manufacturing?

Contract Manufacturing is the contract or agreement that is  established between a company and a manufacturer, agreeing to make a specified number of products in a certain way in the specified period of time. It is a form of outsourcing that occurs when one business hires another company to manufacture its products as per the specifications given by them. The demand for contract manufacturing is increasing because small businesses can easily get their products manufactured from the hiring company which reduces their cost of production and R&D. 

There are certain things that should be outlined in contract manufacturing: 

Product quality.



Delivery dates.


There are yet another certain things that you should check about the contract manufacturer before getting into any agreement:

Contract manufacturer should be highly reputed in the market

ISO-Certified quality standards should be checked

Contract manufacturers should be financially sound, have a clean and well-managed facility.

Contract manufacturers should have the ability to keep up with the production to provide desired and timely results.

Mahalaxmi Malt Extract is among the best Malted milk foods Third party manufacturers who adhere with all the required standards and conditions to give you the best results. 

For more information about: Malted milk foods Third party manufacturers Please visit at https://www.mahalaxmimaltextract.com/

Monday, 15 May 2023


 Humans have been seeding barley for thousands of years now and it is one of the major crops in the world that is used for food and drinks production as well as animal feeding.

History and Features of Barley

Barley was first domesticated in the Middle East approximately around 10,000 years ago and is a major part of everyone’s daily life. It is an edible grain that belongs to the grass family, Poaceae. 

In India, Barley is popularly known as Jau which is among the four most famous crops including maize, wheat and rice. 

These grains are the caryopsis of the grass plant which is found on a “spike” or “head,” arranged in vertical rows, that is similar to the ear of corn.  Barley grain is made up of three layers. The inner layer among them is the germ layer which is a nutrient-dense core and the outside of it is the endosperm, which contains carbs and proteins that supply the germ layer with energy. The outer layer of this is known as Bran and is rich in fibre and B Vitamins.

There are basically three types of barley used by the most barley malt extract manufacturers/, malt extract powder manufacturers - two row, six row and hull-less.

There are hulled and pearled barley which are commonly used in cooking- often in soups, stews, breakfast cereals and porridge etc. 

Barley Flour

Barley flour is the flour which is prepared from dried and grounded barley and is used for many purposes such as preparing barley bread, malt, and many other baked products. Barley flour is considered very healthy as it is a whole grain powder which helps in decreasing the risks of diseases and death. Barley flour is low in  gluten and high in soluble and insoluble fibre, both of these benefits make it the better choice. Not only this, barley flour also improves gut bacteria, helps control appetite, reduce cholesterol etc.

Barley Malt

Barley is the most commonly used grain in making malt for brewing. It basically is a germinated cereal grain that has been dried in a process called “malting”. It is a complete package of starch, enzymes, vitamins,proteins, and minerals along with many other minor constituents that makes it the main raw material for the brewers

Barley malt is not only used in beers but also in bakery, Pharma industries, as confectionery malt extract etc.

 Mahalaxmi Malt Extract is one of the best providers of Barley malt extract which majorly uses the natural ingredients and maintains complete hygiene while making their products. For more info -contact Mahalaxmi Malt Extract.

For more information about: confectionery malt extract Please visit at https://www.mahalaxmimaltextract.com/



 Many people ask us about whether they should consume barley or barley products during pregnancy or not. Then the answer to this question is that there is no specific restriction to not to use barley during pregnancy. Barley gives many health benefits during pregnancy and is even used in Ayurveda for medical purposes. Barley is a cereal grain that is rich in vitamins and minerals including vitamin B6 and folic acid which are important for a healthy pregnancy. But definitely, excess of everything is bad. 

Benefits of Barley during Pregnancy:

Helps in Boosting Immune System: 

Barley has a good amount of iron content in it which increases the blood volume, prevents fatigue, develops body cells and ultimately boosts the immune system. The copper element in it helps with the development of red blood cells and haemoglobin.

Helps with Skin Benefits: 

Barley contains selenium which protects the skin from radical damage and helps maintain the skin elasticity. If you have selenium deficiency in the body then it can cause skin cancer and many other health diseases.

Helps in Digestion: 

Barley is a good source of fibre which keeps the body free from toxins. It also helps in developing healthy bacteria in the large intestine that helps in fermenting the fibre content of barley and keeps the digestive system healthy.

Helps in Controlling Cholesterol Levels: 

High Cholesterol levels are injurious to health. Soluble and insoluble fibre in barley helps in keeping the cholesterol level under control.

Helps in Preventing Asthma: 

Chronic Inflammation is reduced with the help of whole grains like barley and it also has a protective effect against asthma.

Helps in Weight Loss: 

If you consume Barley Water then it also helps in weight reduction as barley water keeps your digestion and metabolism balanced. It keeps you feeling full for a longer period of time and reduces the unnecessary cravings. 

Helps in keeping the Heart Healthy: 

The niacin element present in barley reduces the cholesterol level which ultimately reduces the risk of cardiovascular attacks. 

Other than these, barley also has many other benefits such as It keeps the intestines healthy, protects against gallstones, prevents Osteoporosis, manages diabetes, etc. Intake of barley can be done in many ways such as Malt Extract, Malt Based Food, Barley Malt Extract etc. Barley is also widely used in the brewing of beer making. 

Mahalaxmi Malt Extract is one of the best manufacturers of Malt and produces the best quality of malted milk food in India with Barley.

For more information about: Malt Based Food Please visit at https://www.mahalaxmimaltextract.com/


Monday, 8 May 2023


 Malted milk food is the type of food milk solids, cereal grain and malt extract.  The convenience, nutritional richness and digestibility of MahalaxmiMaltExtract’s malted milk food make it one of the most favourable foods for the general public.  

Malted milk food is usually confused with Malt powder. But they are totally different products.

Malt powder on one hand is made from grain, usually barley. On the other hand, malted milk powder is the malted powder only but has milk solids added to it. 

Procedure of Malted Milk food:

Malted milk food is prepared by combining milk with mash which is made from barley malt and wheat flour. The following steps are undergone in the preparation of malted milk food:

1- Mash liquor preparation: In the first step, the dust is removed from the malted barley which is then crushed using an inline roller. The mix is moved to mash tanks and water is added to it at a certain temperature to produce slurry which is then continuously heated and stirred. During this whole process, the diastase present in malted barley hydrolysis the starch and convert it into maltose,dextrin and malto-dextrins. The resulting mash is then transferred through  a centrifugal separator to remove the insoluble husk and to obtain clear liquor, known as ‘wort’.

2- Preparation of Mix through Wort:  In the second step , the resultant wort is mixed with predetermined quantities of standardised milk, malt extract, sugar, salts, minerals and vitamins in a mix preparation tank. Each of these ingredients have a specific importance in the final product such as Milk fat helps in enhancing flavour and energy level.  Milk solids help in increasing the nutritional value of the product by providing proteins, vitamins and minerals. MahalaxmiMaltExtract’s Malt extract provides a desired level of colour, sweet essence and typical caramelised flavour to the finished product.  The role of Salts is to optimise product pH to improve digestibility and enhance flavour.

3- Evaporation and drying: In the next step, the prepared mix is concentrated in the vacuum evaporator to remove around one half to two-thirds of water and is then transferred to a steam jacketed evaporator provided with stirring gear. To remove water and prevent excessive caramelisation, a high vacuum is maintained in the evaporator.

The resulting mash is now dried and cooled in an air-conditioned room to avoid the pick up of moisture and is then milled into fine powder. Mix salts, dry vitamins and minerals are added to the milled product which is then packed in bottles.

4- Spray Drying of Malted Milk: The last but not the least step is the spray drying in which the tray drying method is used under the vacuum that is essentially a batch operation.This step reduces the cost of product owing to high volume of automated operation. 

MahalaxmiMalt Extract is the best Malted milk foods Third party manufacturer that provides the best Malted Milk Food Manufacturing and Malt Extract contract manufacturing services.

For more information about: Malted milk foods Third party manufacturer Please visit at https://www.mahalaxmimaltextract.com/