Monday, 15 May 2023


 Humans have been seeding barley for thousands of years now and it is one of the major crops in the world that is used for food and drinks production as well as animal feeding.

History and Features of Barley

Barley was first domesticated in the Middle East approximately around 10,000 years ago and is a major part of everyone’s daily life. It is an edible grain that belongs to the grass family, Poaceae. 

In India, Barley is popularly known as Jau which is among the four most famous crops including maize, wheat and rice. 

These grains are the caryopsis of the grass plant which is found on a “spike” or “head,” arranged in vertical rows, that is similar to the ear of corn.  Barley grain is made up of three layers. The inner layer among them is the germ layer which is a nutrient-dense core and the outside of it is the endosperm, which contains carbs and proteins that supply the germ layer with energy. The outer layer of this is known as Bran and is rich in fibre and B Vitamins.

There are basically three types of barley used by the most barley malt extract manufacturers/, malt extract powder manufacturers - two row, six row and hull-less.

There are hulled and pearled barley which are commonly used in cooking- often in soups, stews, breakfast cereals and porridge etc. 

Barley Flour

Barley flour is the flour which is prepared from dried and grounded barley and is used for many purposes such as preparing barley bread, malt, and many other baked products. Barley flour is considered very healthy as it is a whole grain powder which helps in decreasing the risks of diseases and death. Barley flour is low in  gluten and high in soluble and insoluble fibre, both of these benefits make it the better choice. Not only this, barley flour also improves gut bacteria, helps control appetite, reduce cholesterol etc.

Barley Malt

Barley is the most commonly used grain in making malt for brewing. It basically is a germinated cereal grain that has been dried in a process called “malting”. It is a complete package of starch, enzymes, vitamins,proteins, and minerals along with many other minor constituents that makes it the main raw material for the brewers

Barley malt is not only used in beers but also in bakery, Pharma industries, as confectionery malt extract etc.

 Mahalaxmi Malt Extract is one of the best providers of Barley malt extract which majorly uses the natural ingredients and maintains complete hygiene while making their products. For more info -contact Mahalaxmi Malt Extract.

For more information about: confectionery malt extract Please visit at


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