Sunday, 19 December 2021


 Whenever someone talks about Malt extract, the first thing that clicks in their mind is “an important ingredient in brewing beer”. But that might not be the case. It IS an important ingredient but not only for beer. Malt Extract is used in various recipes in various forms such as Pharma Grade Malt Extract, Malted Milk Food Grade Malt Extract, Non Alcoholic Beverages Grade Malt Extract, Flakes Grade Malt Extract.

Malt Extract is majorly divided or available in two forms - LME and DME.


LME stands for Liquid malt extract and is basically made by conducting a typical mash, then dehydrating the wort down to about 20 percent water and getting the result as a molasses-like syrup.

This molasses-like syrup helps in creating a more pleasant flavor with sweet essence. In recipes calling for large amounts of malt extract, LME may be the best option for a bulk of the fermentables.

LME is usually considered hard to use but it is the best option when the recipe calls for  large amounts of malt extract, as it can be easily used by swishing around some hot water in the container to get all that sugary-goodness. LME, if stored properly under cool, dark and dry condition, can have the shelf like upto around 2 years.


DME stands for Dry Malt Extract. The process of DME is similar to that of LME with the only difference of going through an additional dehydration step which reduces the water content down to about 2 percent. The availability of lower water content makes it drier and also helps with having a longer and better shelf life. But DME also needs to be put in a seal tight, cool and dark area.

Even though both LME and DME undergo similar processes but still there exist some differences which makes people wonder about which one is better. Well, there is no specific answer to this as it totally depends on what features you are looking for and where and how it is going to be used. But if we broadly talk about the difference between the two, then:

LME provides more pleasant flavors in beer when compared to DME, while DME provides better consistency in color when compared to LME.

LME is typically used when needed to be used in large amounts,  because of its ability to dissolve in boiling temperatures, whereas DME can clump up and become a hassle to liquefy. 

When it comes to the long shelf life - DME usually takes the lead as LME tends to experience slight hiccups over time; darkening and giving off “extract twang” flavors. 

For more information about:Pharma Grade Malt Extract Please visit at

Thursday, 16 December 2021


 We have talked long enough about the use of malt in malt extract liquid, Liquid MAlt Extract, Barley Malt, Biscuit Confectionery Grade Malt Extract  and Non alcoholic malt beverages. So today we will give a shot to Malt Extract Brewing for the brewing lovers.

Malt extract is basically a product produced by collecting the liquid taken  during a mash and dehydrating it either into a thick syrup (known as liquid malt extract) or dry-powdered form (known as dry malt extract). Brewers usually have control over ingredients with all-grain brewing but making beer from malt extract is totally in a different league.

There are many advantages of Brewing with Malt Extract such as:

1. Time 

Time, money and efforts are definitely some of the important factors in brewing. Lots of time can be saved when brewing is done with malt extract because it helps you skip various steps such as monitoring. Along with this, the mashing step can be skipped completely because the sugars that are needed have already been derived and concentrated from the grain by the company that produces the malt extract.

2. Smaller Initial Investment Required

Along with time, malt extract brewing also saves your money as in this case  you are not required to have a massive operation for the purposes of mashing down large amounts of grain, which ultimately means that you won’t need to spend on those expensive equipment. 

 3. Less Room for Error

Brewing is both art and science. Most people say brewing is an art, but you can't have art without having science. It is so because science is the first step and we must understand how the whole brewing process works before getting creative in modifying parts of the process or ingredient list.

With malt extract brewing, the process gets simpler mainly because you do not have to mash grain to create the wort or sparge to get the remaining sugars from the grain i.e. you don’t have to get into these steps at all. 

 Just like there are always two faces of a coin, there are both pros and cons of everything. Malt extract brewing can sometimes become costly because of the ingredient malt extract. But we, Mahalaxmi Malt Extract are always there to help you. We provide the best quality malt extract with the best prices. To gain more knowledge about malt extract liquid, Liquid MAlt Extract, Barley Malt, Biscuit Confectionery Grade Malt Extract, Non alcoholic malt beverages, and malt extract brewing and to buy these products - contact Mahalaxmi Malt Extract.

For more information about: Biscuit Confectionery Grade Malt Extract Please visit at

Tuesday, 7 December 2021


 In a previous blog we learnt about the different malt products being vegan or not. So today we will throw some more light on this by studying a few more malt products.

Malt Flour - Vegan or Not?

Malt flour is also referred to as malt powder or malted barley flour, as barley is the grain which is commonly used in manufacturing of malt. Malt flour is the product made from partially germinated barley and  has a bit darker color than other flours. When mixed with wheat flour, it creates comparatively a moister and a darker end product. Overall, we can see that there is no involvement of any animal product.

Malt Loaf Vegan- Vegan or Not?

Malt loaf is usually considered vegan but sometimes malted loaf recipes involve the use of eggs which makes it non vegan. But naturally the ingredient malt is vegan in itself.

 Malt Powder Vegan- Vegan or Not?

Malt powder or dry malt points out two different things -malted barley flour or malted milk powder. Being vegan doesn’t even include the involvement of dairy products so in these two cases Malted barley flour is vegan, but malted milk powder is not  as it does contain cow’s milk.

This form of malt powder is used widely in making various products  such as malt extract suppliers, Barley Malt suppliers, Malted Milk Food, malt extract liquid in India

Malted Milk Vegan - Vegan or Not?

As discussed above vegan food doesn’t even involve the dairy product and mated milk is something made with milk as the major ingredient (contains evaporated whole milk from cows). Hence it is concluded that malte milk is not vegan.

Malted Milkshakes Vegan - Vegan or Not?

In the case of malted milkshakes, there are two major products - malt and milkshake. Malt here is vegan in itself as it’s just made from sprouted barley but milk in itself is not vegan. Malt ingredient used here does not involve any milk hence malted milkshakes can be considered as vegan

Malt Flavor Vegan - Vegan or Not?

Malt flavour, commonly referred to as malt extract, is purely vegan.

Malt extract is a product, derived from barley grains and water, packed with sugars plus some nutrients, including vitamin A and riboflavin.  It is considered as a dietary supplement for undernourished children, adults and even for old age people.

Well the major point here is to see whether it's vegan or not. You can see that it doesn’t involve any dairy or animal product, hence making it vegan.

Malt Syrup Vegan - Vegan or Not?

Malt or malt extract is usually available in two forms - malt extract powder and malt extract liquid (commonly known as malt syrup). So malt syrup is basically malt extract, just in liquid form, which we already know - is vegan. Hence we can conclude that malt syrup is vegan.

So overall we can say that almost all malt products are vegan and majorly the ingredient malt is purely vegan in itself. To try this vegan product to make your recipes sweeter and nuttier - contact Mahalaxmi Malt Extract.

For more information about: malt extract suppliers Please visit at

Monday, 6 December 2021

Is Malt Vegan at

 I have heard many people asking and wondering whether the malt that they consume is actually vegan or not. So today we will try to clear your doubts about what malt is and what it is made from.

So today's question is - Is malt vegan? “Malt” just refers to malted barley or other malted grains, so malt is vegan. Most malt products are vegan, too, including malt vinegar, malt liquor, malt extract, malt flour, and malt loaf. However, malted milk and malted milkshakes contain cow’s milk, which might not be considered as vegan.

“Malt” basically is a product made out of Barley and various other grains such as rye, wheat etc. The process of making malt involves the partial germination of grain in water which is then dried with hot air to stop the germination. 

The malting process (because of the process involving breaking down the starch into sugar) adds a little sweetness and creates a sweeter and nuttier product than what you get with the original barley. Malted barley is a multipurpose product and is used to create many other products such as  Malt syrup, malt liquor, malt vinegar, malted milk, malt loaf, malt flour, Malt Based Food, malted milk food in India, Barley Malt Extract, Barley Malt Powder and more.

So here we can say that its manufacturing doesn’t involve any ingredient which is not vegan. Let’s study the same with different malt products.

Different “Malt” Products

Malt Vinegar - Vegan or Not?

This product, malt vinegar, is usually considered vegan as it is made from malted barley, which is just a germinated grain and as discussed above does not involve any animal products during its production. 

Malt Liquor Vegan or Not?

Malted liquor is usually considered vegan. There are various other types of liquors- beer or alcohols which might involve the use of some non vegan products but the major leading brands’ malted liquor are confirmed to be totally vegan

Malt Extract Vegan or Not?

Malt extract is surely vegan and is made from malted barley that is mashed into a liquid form called “wort” and then condensed to make malt extract. In this case too there are no animal products involved at any point and hence is considered vegan. Malt extract comes in the form of liquid malt extract and malt extract powder and is widely used in ‘n’ number of products.

For more information about: malted milk food in India Please visit at

Sunday, 28 November 2021


 We are a well known provider of Barley Malt Powder, malt extract liquid, Liquid MAlt Extract and Biscuit Confectionery Grade Malt Extract. Also there are various types and categories of malt extracts that are provided by Mahalaxmimaltextract. In today’s blog we will learn about the American Malts that can take your brewing to another level.


Pale Malt (2 Row) 2°L

Pale malt is the base malt for brewing all grain beers. This malt is high in diastatic power and is well modified and fairly neutral which makes it an excellent base malt. 

Wheat Malt (Malted Wheat) 2.3°L

This malt is usually used to make wheat and weizen beers. Wheat malt has been used for brewing beer nearly as long as barley malt and has equal diastatic power. It is generally used in  smaller quantity than barley and contributes more protein to the beer, aiding in head retention

Rye Malt 4°L

This type of malt lends a dry, spicy flavor, with a pale straw color and is used sparingly to add distinction to any style. Normally, up to 20% rye malt is used in a mash when making rye beer.

Caramel Malts 

Caramel Malts undergo a special heat process called "stewing" after the malting which crystallizes the sugars. These sugars are caramelized into longer chains that are not converted into simple sugars by the enzymes during the mash which results in a more malty, caramel sweet, fuller tasting beer. These malts are used for almost all ale and comparatively higher gravity lager styles. Different amounts of malts are used in making beer.

Caramel 10 L -The additional light honey-like sweetness and some body to the finished beer is added by caramel 10L.

Caramel 40 L -This malt adds color and light caramel sweetness of this malt is perfect for pale ales and amber lagers.

Caramel 60 L -The most commonly used caramel malt is caramel 60 L which is also known as medium crystal. It is well suited for pale ales, English style bitters, porters and stouts and adds a full caramel taste and body to the beer.

Caramel 80 L This malt is used for making reddish colored beers and gives a lightly bittersweet caramel flavor.

Caramel 120 L This malt adds a lot of color and bittersweet caramel flavor. Useful in small amounts to add complexity or in greater amounts for old ales, barleywines and doppelbocks. 

Chocolate Malt (roasted black malt) 350°L

Along with various essentials ingredients used in making beer, chocolate also holds a significant place. Chocolate malt adds a dark color and pleasant roast flavor. Even the small quantities can lend a nutty flavor and deep, ruby red color. When higher amounts are used, it lends a black color and smooth, rich, roasted coffee or cocoa-like flavor. 

Munich Malt (Domestic) 10°L

American munich malt is a little darker than German Munich malt and is used to add a very robust, malty flavor.

For more information about:malt extract liquid Please visit at

Monday, 15 November 2021


 Contract manufacturing is a process in which a small business hires or gets into a contract with another company to produce its products. It is very useful for small businesses as it enables people to begin selling their products without obtaining the large amount of capital necessary to build and run a factory.

Contract manufacturing can be better understood with the following example

XYZ Company is facing criticism for its quality which was considered top-notch at the beginning. It decides to enter into a deal with Mahalaxmimaltextract, which is a reputed contract manufacturing firm to outsource its products temporarily to see whether its customers are now satisfied with the products.

The company sees a dramatic change as the customers appreciate the new products, and it results in an increase in sales figures as well as revenues.XYZ Company decides to continue its contract deal with Mahalaxmi malt extract as it has proved beneficial.


As mentioned above, there are many benefits of contract manufacturing, such as 

Economies of Scale: Contract Manufacturers don't have only one but multiple customers that they produce for. Because of the multiple customers, they can offer reduced costs in acquiring raw materials by benefiting from economies of scale. The more units there are in one shipment, the lesser will be the expense per unit.

Cost Savvy: Going with contract manufacturing is really cost savvy as Companies save on their capital costs because they do not have to pay for a facility and the equipment needed for production. Not only on facility and equipment, they can even save on labor costs such as wages, training, and benefits. Some companies may look to contract manufacture in low-cost countries, such as China, to benefit from the low cost of labor.

Advanced Skills: This is one of the most important features of contract manufacturing. With the help of contract manufacturing companies can take advantage of skills that they may not possess, but the contract manufacturer does. Also the contract manufacturer is likely to have relationships formed with raw material suppliers or methods of efficiency within their production.

Quality: Contract Manufacturers are likely to have their own methods of quality control in place that help them to detect counterfeit or damaged materials early and take required actions accordingly.

Focus: Companies can focus on their core competencies and various other activities better if they can hand off base production to an outside company.

Mahalaxmimaltextract  is the renowned Malted Milk Food Manufacturer who provides the top notch quality services for Malt Extract, Malted Milk Food Manufacturing and  Malt Extract contract manufacturing. If you are looking for malt products contract manufacturing services - Be sure to contact Mahalaxmimaltextract.

For more information about:Malted Milk Food Manufature Please visit at


 Normally when we hear about the word malt - images of beer and other alcoholic beverages pop up in our heads. But malt is not just about beer but has a very wide scope. It is present in various other food recipes in various forms such as Flakes Grade Malt Extract, Bakery Grade Malt Extract, Malted Milk Food Manufacturing etc. But if someone asks you to describe the taste of malt it might get a bit difficult for you. Malt taste can be described as having a combination of flavours which describes the taste similar to toast, caramel, coffee or fruits like raisins and is very soothing and is nutty and sweet at the surface. However, what describes the overall taste are the ingredients used.

For example - the reason for the malt to be sweet and having a dessert-like taste is barley (which malt is made from). Although barley is the most common ingredient/grain in malt making, other grains can also be  used - such as rye, wheat, etc.- to make malt because of its high enzyme content. 

Malt and beer usually go hand in hand as malt is present in just about all beers and the beers with the most distinct malt taste are usually the darker beers. Here we can say that to experience the authentic taste of malt, what you should go for is a mug of dark beer as in dark beers, the roasting of the malt is light with the perfect consistency and has a fine taste of roasted caramel with the right amount of sweetness.  On the other hand, when the beer or drink is lighter that means the taste of malt will also get lighter. 

So overall there are various malt flavours and tastes that move from the weakest to strongest. The weakest malt flavour is Pale straw or golden in colour and is similar to white bear. It is a light, sweet and prominent flavour from yeast that can give you a smooth mouthfeel. Moving to the strongest malt flavour - It is deep brown or black in colour. It has a dark bread or black coffee like taste. Also chocolate or coffee can enhance the malt flavour of this beer.

Mahalaxmimaltextract  is the renowned Malted Milk Food Manufacturer who provides the top notch quality services for Malt Extract, Flakes Grade Malt Extract, Bakery Grade Malt Extract, . If you are looking for malt products contract manufacturing services - Be sure to contact Mahalaxmimaltextract.

For more information about:Malt Extract contract manufacturing Please visit at

Malted Drinks at

 Even though people are going more and more towards non alcoholic malt beverages, alcoholic malt beverages still have their name in the market.

Alcoholic beverages are fermented from the sugars present in fruits, berries, grains, and some other ingredients such as plant saps, tubers, honey, and milk and may be distilled to reduce the original watery liquid to a liquid of much greater alcoholic strength.

Alcoholic beverages aleo have a malt touch in it. Malt and alcoholic beverages go hand in hand as it is the main ingredient. These malt beverages have played a fascinating and fast-changing role in the current and future beverage market. 

Malt Beverages: Beer & FMBs

Both beer and flavoured malt are similar to each other. Let's throw some light on both one by one.

Flavored malt beverages is defined as a general malt beverage which is considered as a fermented drink where the primary ingredient is the grain of the barley plant, which is malted before it is processed. As per Federal Alcohol Administration Act, in the U.S., a malt beverage must be made from a base that is 25% malt and must contain at least 7.5 pounds of hops per 100 barrels of finished product. Beer and FMB are the two most common malt beverages. These drinks are also known as “malternatives,” or “alcopops.” One of the most commonly used malt bases is Neutral Malt Base which is an alcoholic base malt derived from malt that has been stripped of all its malt characteristics such as color and odor. Different grades of NMB exist on the market and supply for the highest grade is hard to come by, making the market very competitive.  Popular examples of FMBs are Mike’s Hard Lemonade, Redd’s Apple Ale, Kinky Cocktails, and Four Loko.

On the other hand, there is beer which is made with malted cereal grains-such as barley or other cereal grains, hops, and water that is fermented by adding yeast. Just like flavoured malt beverages, most of the beers are malt beverages except a few that are fermented from something other than barley malt, such as gluten-free beers made from sorghum malt.  

We, at Mahalaxmimaltextract  provides the best quality malt that can be used in making of both alcoholic and non alcoholic malt beverages. We are the renowned manufacturer of malted barley powder manufacturers and barley malt manufacturer in India and provides the best product when it comes to , Malt Extract, Malt Based Food. If you are looking for malt products contract manufacturing services - Be sure to contact Mahalaxmimaltextract.

For more information about: Malt Based Food Please visit at

Saturday, 30 October 2021


 Colours are a very important part of day to day life as it enriches our everyday life. Colours attract attention, symbolize emotions and generate expectations. Even in cooking colours have their own space. From this point of view, a sight of an excellent meal also includes shades of colour that influence our mood and our expectations. It not only lifts our mood and attracts our attention, but also contributes to the anticipation of the taste and texture of our food. The same also helps with the buying behaviour of the consumers. This is why it is said that colours play a unique role in the food and beverage industry. And among all the colours, the naturally produced colour - brown - is one of the most important colours in the food industry. Brown colour is quite common when it comes to baking bread or roasting onions, but also when grilling steaks. People are getting more and more health conscious and are really concerned about what they are consuming. So rather than using artificial colours in recipes, the market is searching for the natural flavours. 

Mahalaxmimaltextract provides the best quality natural malt extract that is the best for your health. Malt is a grain product that is used in beverages and foods as a basis for fermentation to add flavour, taste and nutrients. Malt is prepared from various types of cereal grain, usually barley malt, by allowing partial germination to modify the grain’s natural food substances. Malt extract has many advantages compared to the processes commonly used in various food productions. Because of its high colour stability, malt extract can be used for bakery, used as  biscuit and confectionery grade malt extract, pharma grade malt extract and beverage applications such as beer as well as for breakfast cereals. Malt extract is an ideal ingredient, especially combined with cereals and baked goods such as wafers, muffins, bread or burger buns, which not only have a positive effect on the colouring at higher dosages but also on taste which suits the customer’s preferences. We all know about the importance of malt extract in the food and beverage industry but we might not know about its usage in pet food as a substitute for the unpopular brown iron oxide, as it does not have an abrasive or corrosive effect on the equipment. Malt extract, whether used as liquid or dry, has a long shelf life if stored properly.

For more information about: malt extract Please visit at

Tuesday, 19 October 2021


 Mahalaxmi Malt Extract was incorporated in the year 1998 and is engaged in manufacturing optimum quality Barley Products such as Barley Malt Grain, Barley Malt Flour, Malt Extract, Malt Extract Powder, Malted Milk Food, Malt Based food, Biscuit and confectionery malt extract, Flakes grade malt extract and many more. All the products produced by us are manufactured with keeping in mind the FSSAI standards of malt food products.

FSSAI standards for malt food products

Food Safety and Standards (Food Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 has separated Malted Milk Foods from Malt Based Food Products and has separate standards for each group.

Malted Milk Food means the product obtained by mixing whole milk, partly skimmed milk or milk powder with the wort separately from a mash of ground barley malt, any other malted cereal grain and wheat flour or any other cereal flour or malt extract with or without addition of flavouring agents and spices, emulsifying agents, eggs, protein isolates, edible common salt, sodium or potassium bicarbonate, minerals and vitamins and without added sugar in such a manner as to secure complete hydrolysis of starchy material and prepared in a powder or granule or flake form by roller drying, spray drying, vacuum drying or by any other process. It may contain cocoa powder. It shall be free from dirt and other extraneous matter. It shall not contain any added starch (except starch natural to cocoa powder) and added non-milk fat. It shall not contain any preservative or added colour. Malted milk food containing cocoa powder may contain added sugar.

Malt Based Foods or Malt Food means the product obtained by mixing malt (wort or flour or malt extract) of any kind obtained by controlled germination of seeds (cereals and/or grain legumes), involving mainly steeping germination and kiln drying processes with other cereal and legume flour with or without whole milk or milk powder, flavouring agents, spices, emulsifying agents, eggs, egg powder, protein isolates, protein hydrolysates, edible common salt, liquid glucose, sodium or potassium bicarbonate minerals, amino acids and vitamins. It may contain added sugar and/or cocoa powder and processed in such a manner to secure partial or complete hydrolysis of starchy material in the form of powder or granules or flakes by drying or by dry mixing of the ingredients. The grains, legumes and their products used in preparation of malt shall be sound, uninfested and free from insect fragments, rat excreta, fungal infected grains or any other type of insect or fungal damage.

We, at Mahalaxmimaltextract,  produce the goods with complete hygiene and care. We believe in teamwork and our main aim is customer satisfaction. We are known as one of the renowned Barley Malt Manufacturers In India. These are widely in demand amongst our clients from Breweries, Distilleries, Confectionery, Bakery, Flakes, Ice-creams, Non Alcoholic Beverages, Pharmaceuticals And Malted Food Industries.

For more information about: Bakery Grade Malt Extract Please visit at

Sunday, 17 October 2021


 Malt Extract is an extract which gets extracted from malt. When the malt grain goes through the process of crushing, mashing, filtering and evaporation, it creates the malt which is used in many recipes especially in brewing. Malt Extract is at the heart of ingredients is used in different forms such as Flakes  Grade Malt Extract, Bakery Grade Malt Extract etc.It acts as a digestible sweetener along with the benefits of Malt which is also rich in sweetness, flavour  and various Vitamins and Minerals.


Bakery Grade Malt Extract 

As malt extract is considered as a heart of ingredients, it has a special place in brewing and bakery products. Just adding a sweetener is not enough but if  you are getting it with a whole bunch of antioxidants, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals- then it's a totally different story.

The main uses of malt in the bakery are to:

Add nutritive value, as it is rich in vitamins and essential amino acids

Lengthen shelf life through its ability to attract moisture

Help fermentation by strengthening the gluten and feeding the yeast

Make products more appealing through browning of the crust

Add unique flavour to products when used in sufficient quantity


Malted Milk Food Grade Malt Extract

Malted Milk Food includes various Health Drinks that are made using powdered gruel or DME. This gruel is processed basically with the mixture of malted barley, wheat flour, and whole milk. The evaporation method is used to form a powder food which is used in making healthy drinks. 

 Non-alcoholic Malt Beverages

When people look for an alternative of Alcoholic beverages (because they are not good for health) then the first thing that comes to their mind are the non  alcoholic malt beverages which are a healthier alternative. Non-alcoholic malt beverages are the non-alcoholic drinks that have the nutritional content of  that of barley and are good enough to satisfy your thirst for alcoholic beverages. Because of the benefits of non alcoholic malt beverages, they are also used by athletes and are also given to children as an energy drink. 

Mahalaxmimaltextract  is the most celebrated provider of Bakery Grade Malt Extract, Malted Milk Food Grade Malt Extract, Non Alcoholic Beverages Grade Malt  Extract. Also the drinks here are manufactured using good quality raw materials that meet all national and international standards. All of our products are produced in accordance with the purity guidelines. We don’t even use any genetically modified raw materials and manufacture products with proper hygiene. 

For more information about: Non-alcoholic Malt Beverages Please visit at


 There is always a debate on - dry vs. liquid yeast, single vs. two-stage fermentation, extract vs. all-grain brewing - which one is better, which one should be preferred. There are supporters on both of the sides. But the answer to this lies majorly in the hands of the user-- their equipment, their skill level, their time availability, and a number of other factors is what causes major difference. The same goes for dried malt extract vs liquid malt extract. Both have their own place in baking, brewing etc. 

But if we talk about the basic difference between the two then it is the amount of water in each. Also a pound of liquid extract and a pound of dry extract differ in sugar content as well. Therefore, liquid and dry extract are not interchangeable in a recipe. Both dry and liquid malt extract have their own pros and cons.

Dried Malt Extract

When the final product is a dried powder then it means the malt extract suppliers had made it undergo a complete evaporation process by way of spray drying which removes all the water making it a dry or powder product.

Dried Malt Extract (DME) – Pros

Dried malt extract offers more fermentable extract by weight which means you require less of it to achieve the desired goal.

The shelf life of DME is longer even with fewer storage.

Dried Malt Extract (DME) – Cons

DME sometimes becomes quite hard to use such as If there’s any steam coming off your kettle, it may make the DME sticky even when it is in the bag. 

Liquid Malt Extract

On the other hand we have LME in which the water content is usually around 20%, with the other remaining 80% composed of sugar and unfermentable solids.

Liquid Malt Extract – Pros

Liquid malt extract has a convenience factor i.e., It is easy to store, pack and transport

LME comparatively offers a slightly wider range of flavors such as Munich Malt Extract, caramel malt extract etc.

Liquid Malt Extract– Cons

LME can also sometimes be considered quite hard to use as it tends to stick to the inside of the container. One has to Soak the canister in hot water first to help it pour out more easily.

Many brewers report that LME makes darker beers. If brewing a light-colored extract ale or lager, consider using light DME.

Now as you can see both have their own pros and cons and have a significant place in different types of recipes. They can also be used interchangeably and you can even use both in a single recipe.

To try DME and LME, you can always contact the best provider of Liquid MAlt Extract and  Malt extract powder in india - Mahalaxmimaltextract

For more information about: Biscuit Confectionery Grde Malt Extract Please visit at


 Malt biscuit day is back! Have you tried the biscuit malt recipes I shared earlier. If yes, how was your experience? And if not, let’s try a new recipe today. I really enjoy reading about new recipes, trying them and sharing them with my friends. 

So let’s first clear your confusion about what biscuit malt exactly is. Biscuit malt is a lightly toasted Belgian pale malt which is used to provide a warm bread or biscuit character, or toasted flavor and aroma to all the recipes it is used in. The biscuits made with biscuit malt or with Biscuit and confectionery grade malt extract results in a light and crumbly texture which are perfect to serve as a mid-afternoon treat with coffee or tea.

So let’s start with collecting the ingredients For the Malted Milk Biscuits

200 g/ ⅞ cup Butter 

3 tablespoon Malted Milk Powder

300 g/ 2 ⅓ cup Plain (all purpose) flour

50 g/ ⅓ cup Rice flour

200 g/ 1 cup Golden caster sugar

½ teaspoon Mahalaxmi’s Vanilla extract

¼ teaspoon Salt

Optional - For the Malted Milk Buttercream

150 g/ ⅔ cup Butter - room temperature

200 g/ 1 ⅔ cup Icing sugar

2 tablespoon full fat milk

3 tablespoon Malted Milk Powder

Done with the collection of ingredients. Time to bake!

Instructions to Make the Malted Milk Biscuits

Cream or beat  the butter, sugar and malt powder together with electric beaters

Add the egg and vanilla extract. Beat again

Then sieve the flour & salt into the bow and stir to combine (Take care not to overmix else the dough will end up tough)

Now briefly knead the dough on a worktop and then flatten it  into a disc. Wrap the same in clingfilm and let it cool for at least 1 hour.

After it cools down, roll to 5mm thickness and cut the shapes out then scoop up the offcuts and reroll to cut a few more biscuits.

Place 2 cm apart on baking sheets lined with baking parchment and chill for 30-45 minutes. After that, Preheat the oven to 150C/ 300F/ GM2 and cook for 20-22 minutes until just beginning to colour. As soon as it starts changing colour turn the baking sheets midway through the cooking time as necessary to ensure an even bake.

Then remove from the oven and let it cool down for around 2 minutes.

Now keep it well in an airtight tin at room temperature for up to 1 week.

For the Malted Milk Buttercream put the butter into a medium sized bowl and beat the same with electric beaters

Add half of the icing sugar & Mahalaxmi’s  malt extract and beat until light and fluffy. Then pour in the milk and vanilla extract and beat briefly.

Voila! Your biscuits and buttercream are ready to eat.

Well this recipe is definitely worth trying. As for the ingredients - Contact Mahalaxmimaltextract for Biscuit Malt, Malt Extract, Biscuit and confectionery grade malt extract

For more information about: Pharma Grade Malt Extract Please visit at

Tuesday, 14 September 2021


 Malt extract

Malt Extract is a widely used product produced from  barley malt which is  a whole grain with natural enzymes. Mahalaxmi malt extract’s malt extract is basically available in two forms, i.e., LME and DME. LME is Liquid malt extract which is a thick sugary syrup,widely used in various recipes such as preparation of cake, biscuits etc. On the other side we have DME, dry malt extract which is in the form of dry powder and is  comparatively long lasting than liquid malt extract.

The extraction of malt extract from cereal grains is not new but is a very old process. Though there hasn’t been much change in the process of extraction of malt extract from various cereal grains such as barley, wheat, rye etc. but the scope of application of malt extract liquid or dry has definitely widened. Malt extract is used as biscuit and confectionery malt extract, pharma malt extract, flakes grade malt extract etc.

Now you all must be wondering about the ingredient of malt extract…. So let’s learn about it together.

Ingredients of Malt Extract

The first and foremost step is that cereals are soaked in water and left for around five days to allow the grain to germinate and transform starch into the sugar that nourishes the new plant. These germinated seeds, referred to as  "green malt", are later dried and their particular colour and aroma develop. This is the point where that dried malt is turned into a powder and mixed with hot water. Then finally the coloured and highly fragrant liquid is carefully filtered and dried to create the malt extract powder we use in our products.

 This product is used in a high number of baked goods, Bagels, beverages, confectioneries & biscuits, snacks and many more because of its pleasant flavour, remarkable aroma and the extraordinary colour which is created while it is getting cooked. Aroma is not the only thing that we get from malt extract. Using Malt Extract helps in providing sweetness, flavour, colour, natural humectants in various products/recipes. 

We are among the best Malt Extract Suppliers in India.Well, Don’t believe words, believe the taste…….Grab a bite, and you will know that Our Malt Extracts are 100% natural plus tasty plus healthy. To know more about malt extract liquid, Liquid MAlt Extract, Barley Malt, Biscuit Confectionery Grade Malt Extract – Contract Mahalaxmi Malt Extract which can make your biscuits and other items even more irresistible.

For more information about: Liquid malt extract Please visit at

Sunday, 12 September 2021


 So you all consume barley and malt (such as biscuit malt) on a regular basis, right? But do you know the difference between the two. The first one is Barley which basically refers to the seed of the barley plant. When this seed is moistened in a warm environment then the seed begins to grow and produces a bunch of helpful enzymes that can convert the starches in the seed to sugars. After that the grain is allowed to grow for a certain amount of time and then is dried in air which kills the seed. (For additional flavour, it can also be roasted). The dried barley seed with a small sprout is named 'malt' and this process is known as 'malting.'

The infusion of barley malt at mild temperature results in malt extract. During this process, the starch is converted to maltose and after filtration what we get is a product of honey consistency which is known as malt extract syrup. It is also available in powder form. This barley malt extract is a high quality malt extract because it’s a pure extract of barley malt.

With barley malt extract, Both Diastatic and non-diastatic malt extract can be produced :


“Diastatic” is the name of the enzymes that are created in some grains as they sprout, and these enzymes help in converting starch to sugar to feed the yeast.


Non-diastatic malt powder grains involve processing the malted grains with heat above 55°C, which destroys the enzymes. It does not help break down the starch and will not accelerate the rising of the dough and the yeast.Non-diastatic malt powder can be used to give a better, more concentrated flavor. Since it involves some heat and roasting, you don't  need to be observant about preserving the enzymes, so it can develop new malt flavors that are more pronounced in this powder. That flavor will enhance the final dough too. 

Non-diastatic is dedicated to varied industries such as:

Biscuit Confectionery Grade Malt Extract is a kind  of roasted malt, however, it is cooked to a light degree at around 25-30° Lovibond. Simmering temp is around 350°F, which puts it somewhere close to high-kilned malts like Munich malt, and broiled malt like pale chocolate, which may give you some thought of its qualities and use.The high temperature which is applied to the malt at low moisture content, also known as dry roasting, develops the unique toasted, warm bread, biscuit, and especially nutty flavors and aromas characteristic of this malt type and the beers in which it is used. 

Pharma grade malt extract is the type of malt extract that is made by exhibiting the liquid malt expels onto a progressively moving band experiencing the vacuum. The result is the honeycomb of material which is prepared into a coarse powder before squeezing. This malt powder is sugary, light yellow in shading and extremely hygroscopic in nature.

 Mahalaxmimaltextract is one of the main producers of barley malt, biscuit malt, malt extract, Biscuit Confectionery Grade Malt Extract, Pharma grade malt extract and we provide these products at top notch quality.

For more information about: malt extract liquid in India Please visit at

Friday, 10 September 2021


 Today is the Flakes day! Do you know corn flakes are actually the most popular breakfast cereal which are both tasty and healthy. Flakes or corn flakes are the packaged cereal products prepared from small toasted flakes of corn, and mostly people including me consume it with either cold or hot milk and sugar. 

If you also consume flakes on a regular basis then you might be thinking that - It is TASTY but what about HEALTH? Then let me tell you that flakes Grade Malt extract is the dried sugar which is the natural source of wholegrain,  and is used as partial substitution for refined sugar additions in corn flakes. They are rich in major nutrients like Vitamin B2, Vitamin B1, Iron, carbohydrates and Vitamin B6. They also help with Weight Loss, are Beneficial for Heart disease etc.

 Mahalaxmimaltextact, being renowned Malted Milk Food Manufacturer provides Bakery Grade Malt Extract and various types of flakes Grade Malt extract such as

 Mild nutty

These mild nutty rice flakes are specifically made for brewing as they develop characteristics that are necessary for easy and efficient use in a brewhouse. Because they have a large surface area and are pre-cooked, they hydrate and disintegrate quickly and also offer a light, clean, and crisp character to the finished beer.

 Slightly grain

These types of flakes are used to produce a lighter colored finished beer without lowering the original gravity. Slightly grainy flakes can be used in place of corn as an adjunct to eliminate corn flavor in the finished beer.

 Slightly nutty

After slightly grainy we have slightly nutty flakes that are great in the production of Belgian beers and increase foam stability.

Clean oaty 

Clean oat flakes extract is used to add a smooth, rich, enjoyable texture to stouts and have a very distinctive “sticky” mouthfeel which is noticeable even when used in small amounts. They have a large surface area and are pre-cooked, so they hydrate and disintegrate quickly.

 Distinctive rye

To provide a very clean, distinctive rye flavor -  Distinctive rye which are made from choice rye that is guaranteed ergot-free is used. They are also pre-cooked and have a large surface area which is why they hydrate and disintegrate quickly. 

Fresh corn flavor 

In the list we also have fresh corn flavour which is used to produce a beer with more crispier and less malty flavour.  

Mahalaxmimaltextract produces a whole line of flakes in a food-grade heat processing plant. The flakes provided by us are natural with no artificial colors, flavors or additives used in processing. We are the best Malted Milk Food Manufacturer who manufactures Flakes Grade Malt Extract and Bakery Grade Malt Extract keeping the customer and their needs in mind. To understand our products more Visit Mahalaxmimaltextract.


 So you all consume barley and malt (such as biscuit malt) on a regular basis, right? But do you know the difference between the two. The first one is Barley which basically refers to the seed of the barley plant. When this seed is moistened in a warm environment then the seed begins to grow and produces a bunch of helpful enzymes that can convert the starches in the seed to sugars. After that the grain is allowed to grow for a certain amount of time and then is dried in air which kills the seed. (For additional flavour, it can also be roasted). The dried barley seed with a small sprout is named 'malt' and this process is known as 'malting.'

The infusion of barley malt at mild temperature results in malt extract. During this process, the starch is converted to maltose and after filtration what we get is a product of honey consistency which is known as malt extract syrup. It is also available in powder form. This barley malt extract is a high quality malt extract because it’s a pure extract of barley malt.

With barley malt extract, Both Diastatic and non-diastatic malt extract can be produced :


“Diastatic” is the name of the enzymes that are created in some grains as they sprout, and these enzymes help in converting starch to sugar to feed the yeast.


Non-diastatic malt powder grains involve processing the malted grains with heat above 55°C, which destroys the enzymes. It does not help break down the starch and will not accelerate the rising of the dough and the yeast.Non-diastatic malt powder can be used to give a better, more concentrated flavor. Since it involves some heat and roasting, you don't  need to be observant about preserving the enzymes, so it can develop new malt flavors that are more pronounced in this powder. That flavor will enhance the final dough too. 

Non-diastatic is dedicated to varied industries such as:

Biscuit Confectionery Grade Malt Extract is a kind  of roasted malt, however, it is cooked to a light degree at around 25-30° Lovibond. Simmering temp is around 350°F, which puts it somewhere close to high-kilned malts like Munich malt, and broiled malt like pale chocolate, which may give you some thought of its qualities and use.The high temperature which is applied to the malt at low moisture content, also known as dry roasting, develops the unique toasted, warm bread, biscuit, and especially nutty flavors and aromas characteristic of this malt type and the beers in which it is used. 

Pharma grade malt extract is the type of malt extract that is made by exhibiting the liquid malt expels onto a progressively moving band experiencing the vacuum. The result is the honeycomb of material which is prepared into a coarse powder before squeezing. This malt powder is sugary, light yellow in shading and extremely hygroscopic in nature.

 Mahalaxmimaltextract is one of the main producers of barley malt, biscuit malt, malt extract, Biscuit Confectionery Grade Malt Extract, Pharma grade malt extract and we provide these products at top notch quality. For more info - contact Mahalaxmimaltextract

Saturday, 28 August 2021


Biscuit Malt is a special type of malt that is used to make the biscuit even tastier and to produce a biscuity flavour and essence in other recipes and is produced using a drum roaster. The process of making biscuit malt is the same as any other type of malt i.e.the first step to come is germination, kiln-dried barley is then roasted at high temperature but relatively  for a short roasting time. When one wants to have a  unique toasted, warm bread, biscuit, and especially nutty flavors and aromas characteristic in their recipe, they usually go for biscuit malt. This type of biscuit malt is produced by applying high temperature to the malt at low moisture content and is also known as dry roasting. Biscuit malt is quite popular in beer making as this fully toasted, lightly roasted malt is used to give the beer a bread and biscuits flavor. These special characteristics of biscuit malt also make it popular for usage at low percentages i.e. even if it is used in a low proportion, it can still add subtle flavors and aromas to beer styles.

 The concept of Biscuit malt is not very old. In Fact it earned quite a good position in the making of beer and many other recipes in a comparatively short span of time. This relatively new type of malt was made possible probably because of the invention of the first drum roaster in the early 1800s during Britain’s Industrial Revolution. The nutty flavors of biscuit malts make them popular when brewing brown ales, where they can make up as much as 10%–15% of the total grist bill. According to the sales parameters, biscuit malt’s usage is expected to grow multiple times.

 Mahalaxmimaltextract is one of the most renowned suppliers of biscuit malt. Well, biscuit malt is not the only malt that Mahalaxmimaltextract provides, We are also the best supplier of  Amber Malt, Aromatic Malt, Belgian Pils, Biscuit Malt, Black Barley, Black Malt, Crystal or Caramel Malts, Cara Munich, Chocolate Malt, Flaked barley, Flaked oats, Flaked wheat, Honey malt, Pale ale malt, Victory malt, wheat malt etc.

If you are looking for Biscuit Malt, Malt Extract, Biscuit and confectionery grade malt extract then contact Mahalaxmimaltextract.

For more information about: Biscuit and confectionery grade malt extract Please visit at


 Malted barley is the barley that has been allowed to germinate by soaking the grain in water which prepares the starches to be converted into fermentable sugar. Malted barley flour is made from barley that is malted, steam-dried, hulled, ground and then sifted. Usually, it is made from the species of barley that has six rows of seed to it per head.

There are basically two types of malted barley flour in which one is known as diastatic and the other one is known as non-diastatic.

Diastatic: This is the “by default '' type that is normally meant when malted barley flour is mentioned. It has the active enzymes in it and is the one that is mostly used for baking. It provides sweet essence and nutty texture to the recipe but doesn’t actually have any real flavour to talk about as it is “flavour-neutral” . It also doesn’t impact the colour much but is definitely the best in giving a moister crumb.

Diastatic Malt Flours also contain naturally occurring active enzymes that function as natural dough conditioners in yeast fermented dough. These active enzymes are used for promoting a strong rise, adding a mild natural malt flavor and enhancing appealing crust browning. Diastatic Malt flour has a wide range of usage including Baked Goods, Bagels, Crackers, Pizza Crust, Pretzels.

Not only the amateurs but also the professional bakers find it useful for providing uniform and improved fermentation and improving machinability and extensibility of their baked products. The enzymatic digestion activity of starch increases fermentation, decreases proofing time,relaxes the dough, increases volume, enhances browning and softens the crumb. Malted barley is also helpful in extending the product shelf life.

Non-diastatic: Unlike the diastatic, non-diastatic ones have no active enzymes in it and are generally used to provide flavour in a variety of applications and in baked goods, to give a glossy surface and a soft, fine crumb. This is more likely to be referred to as “Malt Powder.”

The use of malted barley flour doesn’t end at just providing sweet essence, colour, and nutty flavour to the recipe but it is equally helpful in providing nutrition to your body. Also when compared with brown rice barley products or barley malt has twice the calcium and fibre and about 30 per cent fewer calories. As malt contains fiber, potassium, folate, and vitamin B6, which together provides many nutritional benefits such as:

Lower cholesterol and decrease in risk of cardiac disease. 

Athletic Recovery

Sweetener with Substance

Boosts Happiness

Supports Digestive Health

Antioxidants Galore

Promotes Heart Health

Malt Extract, Malt Based Food, Malted barley powder, malted barley flour is the best and healthiest choice to purchase from the renowned malted barley powder manufacturer and barley malt manufacturer in india.

For more information about: barley malt manufacturer in india Please visit at

Thursday, 5 August 2021


 Mahalamimaltextract produces an extensive range of malt extract, malted milk food and malted based food products. We are an excellent player in this field and we are renowned for offering excellent quality products. All the products are provided in various forms suitable to customer’s needs such as malt based food is available in varieties like Malted based food with cocoa and malted based food with vanilla. These types of products are not only popular in the domestic market but also in the international market. Malt is consumed by and is proven healthy for all may it be child or adult. Everyone consumes malt in one way or the other.

Until recently Malted Milk Food and Malt Based Foods are perhaps the only barley-based processed foods in Indian Food Market. But now The market of Malted- milk food and malt based food products has recently taken a big jump and the future market also seems to be in the favour of these products.

There are many production houses or firms who are into the production of malt or malt related products but not every firm has enough resources, funds, or time to produce everything in-house. For these firms or agencies there are helping hands like Mahalaxmimaltextract who provides the services of contract manufacturing which not only saves time and efforts but also saves huge costs that are invested in equipment, machinery, and expertise. 

Some of you might be wondering what contract manufacturing is and how exactly it is helpful. Here is a briefing for you all:

Contract Manufacturing

Contract manufacturing is when a manufacturer enters into an agreement with another company to make certain components over a specified period of time.

It is a type of outsourcing in which a contract manufacturer may enter into an agreement with a company to produce some components, or whole product for the company as per their requirements and specifications. The manufactured products can then be used by the other party in the manufacturing or the completion of their own products.

 Advantages of Contract Manufacturing

Firms or agencies choose contract manufacturing for various reasons such as these types of services makes it easier to bring new products to the market. If utilising the benefits of contract manufacturing, a business can expand its volume without even building a separate production facility, hiring extract workers or installing big machinery. Aside from these benefits, businesses can also save the overhead and raw material charges that they have to pay for the location used for the production process. While using its benefits the managers can also stay focused on the important parts such as innovation, sales, promotions etc.  Overall, contract manufacturing is both time savvy and cost savvy.

Mahalaxmimaltextract  is the renowned Malted Milk Food Manufacturer who provides the top notch quality services for Malt Extract, Malted Milk Food Manufacturing and  Malt Extract contract manufacturing. If you are looking for malt products contract manufacturing services - Be sure to contact Mahalaxmimaltextract.

For more information about: malt extract suppliers Please visit at

Wednesday, 28 July 2021


 Barley is one of the most widely consumed grains in India. It is a versatile grain that has a sweet aroma and nutty flavour which compliments many dishes. This grain is a complete pack of nutritions such as vitamins, fiber, molybdenum, manganese and selenium, copper, vitamin B1, chromium, phosphorus, magnesium, niacin and many more.

These nutritions provide many health benefits such as the Insoluble and Soluble Fiber Content Improves Digestion, May Prevent Gallstones and Reduce Your Risk of Gallbladder Surgery, the availability of Beta-Glucans May Help Lower Cholesterol.

There are many types of barley that are used in the productions of various types of malt extract.


Hulled barley

Hulled barley is a whole grain that is processed to remove the tough edible outer shell . Even though pearled barley is still a good source of some nutrients, hulled barley is still the healthier option. This type of barley is considered beneficial when it comes to the risk of chronic diseases.

Barley Grits

Barley grits are the type of barley grains that are made from pearled grains or whole grain barley kernels that have been cut into tiny chunks. Barley grits are comparatively easy and faster to cook.

Barley flour

Barley flour is highly used in baked products as a base and is also used as a thickener in soups, stews and gravies. The scope of application of barley flour is very wide as it is used in the manufacturing of flat bread, for infant foods and for food specialities. 

Barley flakes

Flakes is the  morning diet of most people. These flakes are made by going through the husking process  of kernels of barley at first and then flattening and rolling them. The flakes look like rolled oats, but are comparatively thicker and chewier.

Pearl Barley

Pearled barley is not counted in the category of whole grain but it is still considered a better choice. Pearled barley is a healthy choice and adding it to soups, stir fries and stews can make the recipes healthier and tastier.

We, Mahalaxmimaltextract, are the top notch quality barley malt extract manufacturers and malt extract powder manufacturer of malt extract made with barley grains. We are the renowned  provider  of Confectionery Malt Extract, Malted Milk Food and malt extract liquid in India.  To give your recipe a sweet essence with a crispy touch along with the wholesome pack of nutrition - Contact Mahalaxmimaltextract.

For more information about: Malt Extract Please visit at


 Mahalaxmimaltextract provides the various types of malt extract including Biscuit and confectionery malt extract. I have heard many people talking about the biscuit and confectionery malt extract and in the period of lockdown many of them have tried making recipes with it. Were you one of them? If not, Let’s try it out together. But before trying, did you know that you can use this extract only in baked products but also in beer and do you want to know how we prepare this malt extract?

At first, the steeping process takes place in which specialty grain is soaked and crushed   in hot water to extract color and some flavor compounds from the grain.  The steeped grains are then moved to a room where temperature and humidity are carefully maintained to ensure that the grain germinates evenly.  The enzymes involved in this steep are responsible for the degradation of starch in the extraction process.

The germination process is halted by kilning when the optimum degree of enzyme production and starch modification has been attained. All these steps end up at a product called wort. The wort is then concentrated by evaporation under vacuum until the desired moisture content is reached. Colour and flavour, sweet essence etc. can be controlled by altering residence time at this stage. Atlast the liquid malt extract is filtered, cooled and packaged in different sizes. A dry malt extract powder is also produced by processing the wort in a spray-drying tower.

OK, done with the process. Now it's time to bake something.

 Gather these Ingredients For the Malted Milk Biscuits

200 g/ ⅞ cup Butter 

3 tbsp Mahalaxmi’s Malted Milk Powder 

300 g/ 2 ⅓ cup Plain flour

50 g/ ⅓ cup Rice flour

200 g/ 1 cup Golden caster sugar

1 Egg 

½ tsp Mahalaxmi’s Vanilla extract

¼ tsp Salt


The first step is to beat together - butter, sugar and malt powder 

Beat again after adding egg and vanilla extract.

Now Sieve the flour & salt into the bowl and stir to combine. Be careful not to overmix else the dough will end up tough.

Knead the dough properly and then flatten it into a disc, wrap in clingfilm.

Chill it for at least 1 hour

After chilling it, roll to 5mm thickness and cut different shapes for biscuits as per your desire.

Place the pieces at least 2 cm apart on baking sheets lined with baking parchment and then chill for 30-45 minutes

Preheat the oven and cook them for 20-22 minutes only until they start changing their colour.

Then remove them from the oven and let them cool on the baking sheet for 2 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. 

Voila! We are done making it. It’s time to Grab a Bite.

For buying Biscuit Malt, Malt Extract, Biscuit and confectionery grade malt extract, you can always contact Mahalaxmimaltextract for getting the best quality product.

For more information about: Biscuit and confectionery grade malt extract Please visit at

Thursday, 15 July 2021


 As a healthy cereal alternative to sugar or starch in bakery and confectionery items, Malted Barley is something that is usually taken into consideration. But that is not the only thing barley malt is good at. Malt is best associated with Beer or Malt Blended Whiskies. Malted barley is the basic source of sugars/maltose which are fermented into beer. It can be said that the most basic ingredient that would be able to become a healthy and equally tasty substitute for the health aspect of any processed food is called Malt.

Malt is known as "the soul of beer" and is one of four essential ingredients used in producing craft beer. It is the malt that provides color, sweet essence, aroma, flavor, and body to any product including beer.

There are a number of grains that can be used in making beer such as barley, rye, wheat etc. But among all barley is the most commonly used and preferred. Barley grain cannot get fermented into alcohol by its, instead it is first converted to malted barley through a process called malting. Malting process involves three basic steps. The first one is steeping which involves the soaking of barley to awaken the dormant grain. Next, is the step of germination that involves the germination and sprouting of the grain. Finally, the step of heating or kilning the barley comes to produce its final color and flavor. Talking from the brewer's point of view, there are two kinds of malted grain, one that needs to be mashed and the other one that doesn't. Mashing is the process of soaking in hot water which makes a porridge-like mixture that provides the right conditions for the enzymes to convert the grain starches into fermentable sugars. For example- the basic light colored malts such as pale ale malt  and malted wheat 

need to be mashed to convert the starches into fermentable sugars.

Malts, again, can also be divided as to how they’re used, such as “base malts” and “specialty malts.” For instance, Crystal malts are commonly used as a specialty malt to impart caramel-like sweetness. Black malts, on the other hand, are super-kilned barley malts that can be used to darken color or taste. Then there is Pilsner malt that is a super pale malt used in the base of a lager, with a good amount of flavor and some sweetness despite its pale color. The list, because beer is a delicious rainbow, goes on.

There are also two forms in which malt extract is available for producing beer, i.e. dry malt extract and liquid malt extract. As per your need and recipe you can choose the type of grain, the type of malt or the form of malt extract to use. Mahalaxmimaltextract provides you with ‘n’ number of options to choose from that fits your brewing requirement and also definitely your bill.

To contact the renowned malted barley powder manufacturers or barley malt manufacturer in India, for the best Malt Extract and  Malt Based Food - Contact Mahalaxmimaltextract.

For more information about: Malt Based Food Please visit at

Wednesday, 14 July 2021


 Time for biscuit malt. You must have met all types of people, those who love Mahalaxmi malt extract’s biscuit malt, those who hate it and those who are indifferent about it. But this hatred can be turned into love if you try Mahalaxmimaltextract’s biscuit malt.

Biscuit Malt is a highly flavored specialty malt that is produced using a drum roaster. Biscuit malt is produced by germinating the barley and then the kiln-dried barley is roasted at high temperature but for a relatively short roasting time. Then the step of dry roasting takes place to develop the unique toasted, warm bread, biscuit, and especially nutty flavors and aromas characteristic of this malt type and the beers in which it is used. 

Biscuit malt is rightly  named for the biscuity flavor it gives and is also sometimes known for its "saltine cracker" flavor which you can say is more accurate than "biscuity". With moderation, malt extract does add a unique component to any recipe. You can even go overboard with biscuit malt because it's not as strongly flavored as some specialty malts. 

The toasted, nutty flavors of biscuit malt extract also make it popular for usage in not only bakery products but also in various beers at a low percentages as they add subtle flavors and aromas to beer styles such as pale ales, amber and red ales and lagers. In darker beer styles such as stouts and porters, low percentages of malt extract liquids can help develop greater complexity and increase malt aroma.

Biscuit confectionery grade malt extract lends the beer and baked bread and biscuits an intense and sweet malty aroma. It somehow combines distinct roasted aromas and a light color which gives a golden colour to the beer that suits perfectly for many beer styles, giving a little special touch to them. These appetizing biscuits come enriched with vitamins and nutrients of milk, and just the right amount of malted milk and are Easy to make, tasty, healthy and visually appealing which go along with every occasion.

If you are yet to taste Biscuit Malt,  I strongly recommend that you do, it tastes like roasted hazelnut and very dry to me, which is good right?!

Barley Malt Powder and Liquid Malt Extracts are used for adding flavouring and sweetness and enhancing natural aromas in food products. In bakery applications, such as these savoury cheese biscuits, they enhance the texture, adding crisp. Our Malt Extracts are 100% natural. – Get ready to fall in love again with biscuit malt with Mahalxmimaltextract!

For more information about: Barley Malt Powder Please visit at

Monday, 5 July 2021


 Until recently Malted Milk Food and Malt Based Foods are perhaps the only barley-based processed foods in Indian Food Market. But now the Malted- milk food products  market has been continuously growing in India making  it the world’s biggest markets for malt- milk based food products. 

Malt has always been present in the diet of growing children and adults in one way  a part of the diet of growing children and the elderly as in a or the other, which is why, it is no wonder these products represent a rapidly growing milk-food market. 

What is Malted Milk Food?

Malted milk food is a food product which is made by combining whole milk with the liquid which is separated from a mash of ground barley & wheat flour in such a way as to secure full enzymatic action of the malt extract. Malted wheat and malted barley provides an appropriate level of enzymes required to convert all the starch into simple sugar and also imparts typical malty flavour to the finished products. Malt extract provides desirable and required levels of caramelized flavour and colour. It’s a product that contains added sodium chloride and potassium bicarbonate. Malted milk food contains enormous number of benefits such as :

It provides the right amount of protein that the body requires. 

In maintaining good and healthy skin and good vision, malted milk food is proven effective.

Milk solids present in it help increase nutritional value of the product by providing top notch quality of proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins and is even considered as a complete set of nutrition for pregnant women. Milk fat enhances flavour and energy level of the final product.

Malted milk food is found helpful in the recovery of Illness. It also helps maintain healthy bones and provides energy.

What is Contract Manufacturing?

Contract manufacturing is a process in which some or whole of the production activity is outsourced to a third party, i.eThe owner company hires a contract manufacturer to manufacture a certain part or a product as per the requirements or the specifications of the owner company. Contract manufacturing of Malt-based products is one of the best and cost-effective methods to settle and grow in this market.

Mahalaxmimaltextract is one of the leading Malted milk foods manufacturers and the destination for new companies and firms who are looking for low investment and high returns in this business. We provide the best service in contract manufacturing of Malt-based food in the market with the most affordable prices. 

We do Malted Milk Food Manufacturing and Malt Extract contract manufacturing by using high quality raw materials that meet all national and international standards. 

For more information about: Malt Extract contract manufacturing Please visit at


 You all must have done brewing using various extracts. But have you ever tried it with flaked barley which will improve your process of brewing and will give it a bit more body as well. 

When it comes to the mashing process, flakes can’t just get mashed since they have no enzymes. To complete the mashing process you will also be in need of base malt.

The problem here is that flaked barley is unmalted.  Unmalted barley has no enzymes to convert its own starches which is why flakes are combined with malt that gives barley the enzymes it needs to convert its own starches to sugars during the mash process. If the starches are not converted properly, it can be very hazy and sometimes astringent  which sometimes increases risk of infection, even in the bottle, since it's still fermentable to wild yeasts.

Mashing barley flakes with malt might sound hard as it takes a lot of time and effort to complete this step. Sometimes people get tired in this step only which makes them lose interest in further steps of brewing. As a solution for this problem Mahalamimaltextract provides Flakes Grade Malt Extract which is not only time savvy but also cost effective and nutritious. Flakes grade malt extract includes a complete set of Nutrition, is Rich in protein, Helps in Weight Loss, somehow proved to be Beneficial for Heart disease, Maintains Lung Health and many more.

Flakes Grade Malt extracts manufactured by Mahalaxmimaltextract is a complete pack of nutrition and natural source of wholegrain, dried sugar and is used as partial substitution for refined sugar additions in corn flakes. These flakes crumbs are orange yellow in color and are buttery, salty in taste. They contain major nutrients like Vitamin B2, Vitamin B1, Iron, carbohydrates and Vitamin B6.

Bakery Grade Malt Extract 

When we go for baked food products, malt extract is truly a sweetener with substance as it has no fructose, the toxic sugar found in sugar cane sweeteners and high fructose corn syrup. It is abundant with nutrients which is like a cherry on the cake.

The manufacturing process of the products manufactured by Mahalaxmimaltextract are completely clean with no compromise with hygiene.  We are one of the best Malted Milk Food Manufacturers providing the best product and services of Flakes Grade Malt Extract, Bakery Grade Malt Extract. If you are looking for any of these products or services then you should definitely give a visit to Mahalaxmimaltextract.

For more information about: Malted Milk Food Manufacturers Please visit at