Tuesday, 11 May 2021


 In today’s bakery formula, each and every ingredient must earn its own place as every ingredient has its own importance when making a recipe delicious. Just being a sweetener may not be enough; but if that sweetener is also a source of antioxidants, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals and is made with whole grains then it’s something to talk about.

When it comes to taste - Malt extracts are used for adding sweetness and flavour and enhancing natural aromas in food products. The scope of application of malt extract is very wide. In bakery applications, such as savoury cheese biscuits, cakes they enhance the texture, adding crisp. Biscuit and confectionery grade malt extract functions as a natural colorant which masks bitter notes and enhances nut, savory and chocolate flavors.And it also provides sugars and other nutrients to fuel the yeast that leavens baked foods. People usually consume malt because of its irresistible taste. Not only this malt is also the basis of beer and whiskey, but it's the sweet stuff that most of the people are interested in.


When it comes to nutrition malt extract is second to none.  It carries many essential nutritional elements, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It’s a “good” source of dietary silicon, vitamin B, magnesium,selenium and manganese. Antioxidants in malt ranks much higher than those in broccoli. This non-GMO, minimally processed, clean-label ingredient qualifies as the perfect complement for whole grain foods because the extract is made from malted barley and water only.

The sweetness along with the nutritional elements GIVE CONSUMERS EVEN MORE GOOD REASONS TO BITE INTO YOUR BISCUITS.

Along with learning about nutritional sugar let’s learn about the recipe of making simple biscuit malt.

Simple Malt Biscuits

1- Arrange the Ingredients:

   125 grams butter, softened

    1/2 cup sugar

    1 egg, lightly beaten

    2 tablespoons golden syrup

    2 tablespoons Mahalaxmimaltexrtact’s biscuit malt extract

    2.5 cups self-raising flour

2- After collecting the ingredients - Cream the butter and sugar using an electric mixer. Add the properly beaten egg, then the golden syrup and the malt extract. Then Mix all of them until   combined.

3- Now Sift in the flour and mix with a wooden spoon until well incorporated and Dust hands lightly  with flour, then roll the prepared dough into small balls and place onto a greaseproof-lined baking  tray. Press down slightly with a floured fork. The biscuits will spread and rise only slightly.

4-  Bake for about 15-20 minutes or until golden.

5-  Now it's time to make about 50 small biscuits and Store it in an airtight container to maintain crispness.

The verdict!?

Easy to make,nutritional, tasty and visually appealing festive treats which would certainly go down well with little ones – get them involved!

Happy baking with Mahalaxmimaltextract!

For more information about: Bakery Grade Malt Extract Please visit at http://www.mahalaxmimaltextract.com/

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